Who I am

I work professionally as a Unity developer and app designer. When I've got the time I also like to work on some personal projects, which are hosted here. My projects here are small and all quite different. They work to express my personality as a dev more than technical skill. I've got my resume down below if you want to take a look at my professional achievements.



My web host is not the fastest, and these games may take a minute to load. Cross Analysis and Shields Up are also on my itch.io page, and have a bit quicker load times over there. If using a Mac, the web builds also seem to have trouble running on Chrome.(I suggest Safari)
  • Cross Analysis

    A number puzzle, both casual and challenging

  • Shields Up

    An arcade game with a spaceship, a classic

  • Giraffe Game

    Another arcade game, this time a platformer

  • Mild Interaction

    A series of interactive webcomics


One more thing

If you'd simply like to see a resume, you can find it here.

If you want to know more about me:

I've been programming for about 10 years now, and working in Unity for the last 5. Along with developing some small games, I of course play games as well. Pokemon and Halo are series that I grew up with and will always view fondly, but starting with Stardew Valley, indie games have been what takes up most of my playtime. I especially enjoy ones that are easy to pick up, and can be played during shorter sessions that I will inevitably end up playing for hours at a time. Aside from games, I spent my 4 and a half years in college working in the AV industry. I became an AV production lead for live events, and I genuinely loved both being able to learn about all of the technical equipment and working with so many different groups to make cool events happen.


Cross Analysis is easy to pick up, but difficult to master. Simply swap tiles so that each row and column has its highest number in the center position and is in decreasing order further from the center.
Random boards provide good casual play, the challenges give a chance to truly test your puzzle solving skills. I originally made this for Goole Sheets, but rebuilt it in Unity to expand on the core gameplay. The game is still in development, but this is a pretty good prototype!
itch.io link.

Keyboard Controls
MOVE: Arrows or Z/C SHIELD: Down Arrow or X

As my first solo post-college project, I chose an arcade-stlye game because I knew it had an achievable scope while still providing a full experience. While looking at the dozens of almost identical spaceship arcade mobile games, I hoped to bring something new and interesting when designing the mechanics for Shields Up.
itch.io link.

Keyboard Controls
Drop down with: Down+Jump

Giraffe Game was designed for a weekend game jam with a small team. It was one of the first projects I contributed to that I truly felt proud of. While it's implementation is simple, it was my first game that I really enjoyed going back to play, and while some things feel a little unpolished, it felt like a relatively completed experience.


I created these comics with some HTML, JS, and my subpar drawing skills. In this one you can catch some fireflies(by clicking on them) and I think its pretty cool. You can find the rest at mildinteraction.com


Built with Ruby-On-Rails and PostgreSQL, the purpose of the project was to learn a new stack. With a series of randomly chosen, user submitted questions, I can't say its the most fun to play, but it shows that I can learn a new framework when I need to. Feel free to check it out here.


These websites were designed for a client who owns multiple self-storage facilities across Florida. Built on Squarespace, as a way to get up and running quickly while keeping costs down, plenty of customizations were made to get the site up to industry standard, and implement custom APIs. Feel free to check it out here.